Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I recently found out that I'm having some ovulation issues. My husband and I have been trying to have another baby for over a year now and nothing. I'm seeing a fertility specialist and we are doing clomid. I hope it works. I would really love to have another baby. We have a 3 year old and would like him to have a brother and a sister. I am trying to prepare myself if this doesn't work. I would be so heart broken, but at the same time I have my son and husband.

I've recently been thinking how our lives are so much better because of our son, Noah. He makes life so much fun and interesting. He says such funny things and we just crack up. Right now he is so into Christmas and can't wait for Santa to come. I'm a lucky person.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Hey, I'm here from the L&F...

I did get pg with an IUI (with meds, but if they're sure you're ovulating, it's the same deal, different getting-there...I think I was having a similar response as what most ppl get on clomid). It didn't work out, but that wasn't the IUI's fault.

Just letting you know that sometimes IUI's work! :)